Sunday, June 22, 2008


I was talking to tall Kelly about famous troublemakers. I told her Abbie Hoffman is always the first person that comes to mind. Writer of Steal this book! Which of course people did. Until sellers started refusing to carry the book.

I adore troublemakers! Especially the ones I totally disagree with. They force you out of your own little box you live in and confront new ideas. I admire them not caring that they are ridiculed and slandered for speaking their opinions. It takes a pretty brave person to withstand the media onslaught if you voice an unpopular opinion.

I am fascinated by the intense hatred and media attitudes towards some current personalities. If I say the name Ann Coulter in a room full of people in Boston I usually have to wipe spit off my face because people start frothing at the mouth!The Internet is full of photo shopped pictures of her attempting to make her less attractive. Good luck guys, she is gorgeous and fearless and she is intentionally provoking you!

Bill O Reilly, who really does drive me crazy, also entertains me. Same goes for Keith Oberman. They have a joie de vivre and passion and I have to admire it.

I am not one who enjoys having political arguments, I prefer to listen to people I disagree with to try and learn about why they have come to their conclusions. Tall Kelly is very liberal, also very well read and informed. I have learned a lot from her and enjoy talking about politics with her.

I am happy that people protest and rally about things they believe in. It is part of what make America such a beautiful place. Complacency is easy and lazy. Speaking up and trying to make change is very hard and not for the mild mannered.

for frame of reference there are three Kelly's, tall Kelly is the pretty liberal, Hot Kelli is the fashionista and then me, short Kelly the nerdy one with the big yapper.

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