Thursday, June 19, 2008

Sex and Science

I just finished reading BONK The curious coupling of science and sex. I love Mary Roach she is exhaustive in her research and impossible to embarrass. She is also hysterically funny. Mixing humor and science really needs to be done more often. It certainly helps people like me who love science but have short attention spans.

Here are some factoids to ponder:

Masters and Johnson created a penis cam to document physiological changes in the woman's body during sex. You can even buy them, they are called PPV.

The ads from the early 1900 for vibrators are fascinating. I plan on collecting them now. The term hysteria as you may already know was coined for women in the Victorian era who were widowed and thought to be on the way to crazy town if they did not have orgasms.The therapy was administered by midwifes and doctors.

The book also reveals that during sex, afflictions such as stuttering and CP are quieted or shut off for that time. The human body so bent on procreation seems to cure all ills during sex.

I don't want to spoil all of your fun, you have to read this book!

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