Monday, February 25, 2008

Tattoos and what I have learned

I don't really know why other people get tattoos..but I know what getting mine meant to me. I celebrate my son and take pride in his uniqueness. Jefferson has taught me so much. I have become more independent and confident in my own personae which includes being less influenced by other peoples impressions of me.

There was a time when Jefferson was a baby about 3 and I had him at the Neurologists office and he was running around playing and chirping away. He was banging a small toy on the floor and on the wall as I was paying and rescheduling for a new appointment. A very old woman kept sighing loudly and putting her head in her hands. Then as my son walked over to a woman sitting he smiled and held up his toy to show her. As he walked away I turned to see the old woman lean in conspiratorially and say how obnoxious my son is.

I was so angry I was shaking..I quite literally I wanted to kill this woman. I envisioned grabbing her up out of the wheelchair and slamming her on the floor.My son was oblivious to all of after some self examination..why was I so angry? Who gives a shit what this old relic thinks about anything? Certainly not my sweet boy. Clearly I need to protect my son and try and spare his feelings in some situations but a lot of the time I was getting angry because my own feelings were hurt.

The most important life lesson Jefferson has taught me, It ain't always about me."

Sunday, February 17, 2008

My thoughts on below article

I have noticed over time, this lack of logic or common sense. For example I am diabetic and when pregnant with my son the registered Nurse said I needed to do a Glucose fasting test. I said "I am diabetic" So you are refusing to do the test? I am diabetic I already know I will fail the test. Nurse looks puzzled.If I drink that cup of glucose it will deliver too much sugar to my baby BECAUSE I AM A DIABETIC.

Instead of looking at a checklist how about applying some logic?

Why are we so afraid to use our brains? The younger kids in my Biology class never answer the teachers questions..I guess because it is not cool to know the answers.

Personally I am VERY attracted to the so called Geeks and always have been. Even in high school when jocks wanted to date me..I like the nerdy guys who BTW all make scads of money now.

I wonder if there is a connection between bad dogma and bad science and the fact that any buffon can post things in the internet. (I may be one of thos buffoons, I know)

I would also make some smart like comments about how easily accesible information is now that we are in an electronic age..but I have to go watch american idol. Just kidding...I have biology homework.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Not Britney crazy...yet

Whenever I see stuffed animals and dolls in plastic bags or packaging in our storage I feel like they can't breathe and I open the package.

I pick all the cookie dough out of my husbands ice cream, ok not crazy...just mean.

I eat my food in categories by preference

I wear shorts in the dead of winter

I talk to my hermit crabs....

I own hermit crabs

Saturday, February 9, 2008

It ain't always rosy

I generally paint the experience of having a child with Autism in a rosy light. This because I really do feel positive most of the time. My son is so bright and loving and interesting and he has made huge progress each and every day.

There are fleeting moments of pain and despair. When I see his differences and I worry..will he be bullied? Will he have friends and girlfriends? Will he be happy?

When I see my son sitting in his big wooden rifkin chair at school it pinches my heart, this reminder that he is not like all the other children in class. He needs a special chair to remind him where his arms and legs are. When I see another child the same age having such extensive conversations and I realize that we are not there yet and it may be years before that happens.

It can be bittersweet, but always I try to be filled with hope and love and teach my son to expect the very best from himself and from life.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Alice Neel

She is still my favorite portrait painter. I have been looking at her work a lot lately for inspiration. I want to do a series of portraits on large canvas of my friends and family to capture them in time.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I am now a science dork

I saw the lovely Daphne under the microscope last night. Her heart was beating and her legs were flickering around. It was amazing!