Friday, May 16, 2008


Last week my lab partner and I did a power point on environmental toxins and came across this web site.

Pretty much all the Garnier and Loreal products I use are scored at the worst level of toxins.It may explain why I am such a mutant. Seriously,I am currently reading Growing Up Green by Deidre Imus and it is a great book that I plan to buy for every expectant Mom in my life.She gives great info on everything from mercury,vaccine schedules to homeopathic remedies and how to green clean your home and child's school.

I believe there are both genetic and environmental links to the enormous increase in Autism. When people ask me my opinion I explain it like a big slot machine..when you line up certain genetic predisposition with some environmental influences and you get those three cherries in a row, Poof! You have the pervasive developmental delay spectrum.

Deidre is not focused on autism but more childhood cancer and anything else that may be exacerbated by ennviornmental toxins.

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