Monday, May 19, 2008

Genetically Modified Wine

I do not want them messing with my vino. Genetically Modified tomatoes taste horrible, I have to try and grow my own heirloom tomato seeds this summer and I suck at gardening.I highly doubt I can make my own wine.

It is so interesting to me that plants and some bugs have more genomes than humans.I know bugs have a lot of junk DNA but still interesting that they are more complex than we are.We really need to stop messing with food genes that we are still trying to understand. Junk science is a very dangerous and profitable industry.

If we keep messing with mutation and selection what is going to happen to the worlds food crops? Everything will become homogenized and lame.Plus there are no long term studies about gene jumping from genetically modified foods into people and other foods growing nearby.This stuff creeps me the hell out.

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