Monday, December 24, 2007

Stop Bitching about Christmas you Ass Beetles!

I love Christmas! I am not ashamed to admit it. It is really the only time of year I can let my inner drag queen come out and play. I love red nail polish, Elvis Christmas music, glitter, tacky lights and sparkly plastic jewelry. It sharply contrasts with my New Englander preppie- minimalism.

As a lapsed Catholic I do put out the Nativity scene and I enjoy Christmas mass (the years I go anyways) since generally I only go to Church for Christmas and the occasional funeral or baptism.

I like being forced to slow down for 30 seconds and acknowledge the people in my life that I enjoy. My sons special needs teachers and van drivers, my coworkers who make my job a lot more tolerable. I feel a childish delight when I check the mail all month long and receive cards from all over the county from long lost friends.

So to you who complain about the commercialism, the expense , the stress of the Holidays. Sit down and watch the televised yule log while enjoying some nice panettone and shut the hell up. Merry Christmas!

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