Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Autism Message Boards

One of the big Autism websites has a message board that I have been reading with a horrible fascination for the past several years. There are many parents who strongly believe they can cure their children of Autism with a special diet and chelation therapy. Many of them also believe that vaccines are what caused their child's Autism.

I am not one of those parents. However I am not angry at these parents for trying to help their children. I would never try Chelation therapy because I think it could hurt my child. I did however try Jefferson on the gluten free casein free diet for a few weeks. It did not change him for good or bad and he lost too much weight. I decided to do the diet with him and after 2 meals I was horrified at how gross the food was. So much for that!

I vaccinate my child because even if vaccine were the cause I would certainly rather he have Autism than die of smallpox or measles. Common sense guides me and also an instinct that Autism is a genetic difference, even a gift of individuality that my son has.

The reason this message board horrifies me is because the parents who have different ideas on treatments and therapies spend lots and lots of time attacking each other.I do not mean just arguing, but slandering and harassing each other.I wonder why they don't focus that time and boundless energy and used it to make their child feel unconditional love and support.

I did read Jenny McCarty's book with interest and an open mind. I am happy she is bringing more awareness of Autism to the public and I am glad she spends so much time and energy on her son.

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