My friend and I were talking the other day about how some people show both their feminine and their masculine sides. I don't really mean like Ryan Seacrest or manscaping...not cosmetic type stuff. I mean when you see a beautiful girl who walks stridently without any feminine swishes or flourishes.
I used to be vaguely embarrassed about my masculine side but now I really see it as an important part of me.
Camile Paglia is always looking at the notion of femininity and masculinity. From her book Sexual Personae
"the inner dynamic of all artistic creation is a psychic union between masculine and feminine powers." She described her method as interdisciplinary, as it combined "literary criticism, art history, and psychology in what I believe is a new synthesis."
now i feel ok about being so hairy...thanks kelly! save one kelly at a time...
Embrace it! Us Kelly's are special.
(This is a cryptic exchange between me short Kelly and my friend the gorgeous tall Kelly) who for the record is not really hairy at all.
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