Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Iron Chef America- bringing it back

I was catching up on my tivo'd Iron Chef episodes last night and I started to think about why I love the show so much. I love to cook and to eat, no surprise there, but there is a lot more to it than that.

This is extreme cooking and is really beautiful to watch. The precision, speed and confidence needed to create the dishes really puts these chefs in a league all their own. Plus it is a total turn on watching men cook with such passion. Not to leave out the one female Iron Chef Cat Cora, she is gorgeous, confident and totally fearless. I love it when she does a shot of Ouzo after the battle is over. These guys are rock stars to me.

I am not particularly athletic, but I can cook and watching this show inspires me to be creative and take pride in this skill. In the eighties what with working Moms and frozen dinners, cooking well was was virtually ignored.

I think Martha Stewart was the catalyst that helped "bring it back" by showing people that cooking food properly with quality ingredients can be a true pleasure.

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