Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Carnie Wilson Addict Postergirl

I loved her when she was a big girl and had her own talk show...when she would spar with Howard Stern and hold her own. When she had Gastric Bypass I bought her book and I loved it. She inspired me to have the same surgery years later.

I struggle with addiction to food and wine and so does she. So why do I now look at her on TV and feel dissapointed? She is on Dr Oz, on any reality show that will have her,country singing, celebrity fit club,even pimping her family on tv...selling cookbooks..hustling.Jesus Girl have an ounce of decorum keep your kids off the tv.

When celebrities bring a part of their real life into the public arena to help others it is touchy. Wilson has crossed over into train wreck D list territory again and again..Still I rooted for her.

I saw her this morning on my Fox New Local Station and her answers to Gene were so defensive..

I'm VERY healthy

I did not gain ALL of it back.

Then it hit me why she turns me off now. She sounds like an addict. Defensive, full of shit, excuses, self absorbed. She sounds like me!

It is helpful to me to hear her and use it for my own self improvement. You can't talk your way out of addictions. She is a beautiful girl who seems to care more about maintaining a celeb lifestyle than living a simple life with her family.

That pace and lifestyle is so unappealing to me and seems to be so dangerous for people with addictive personalities.

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