Friday, January 9, 2009

Autism and Scientology

I did write a blog about my thoughts on Jett Travolta's untimely death and whether or not I think he is Autistic.I got almost a dozen emails asking me where my post was.My desire to discuss autism is tempered by my gut. I am not going to publish it. An innocent child is gone.I do not know anything about this child or his medical history.I know he was sheltered from the media and looked well cared for.

I do not have to make money from my blog and do not wish to feed into the machine of corpse pickers in our media who ghoulishly delight in the sorrow of the famous.The adults who chose to be in that industry are one thing but the children they have should be left alone.

The rest of it is left to god or Buddha or whoever you pray to at night.I pray that his parents can go on through what must be the most terrible pain a human can experience, losing their child.



Anonymous said...

Well Kelly you are a better woman than I.

I have written two articles in Phoenix and my son has been published in the newspaper twice.

He has Bipolar, Tourette's, Epilepsy, and OCD.

As the Scientologists have said on many occassions medication should not be used on anyone with mental issues.

My good friend and I would get ourselves SO worked up over Jett Travolta since he was always in "Hiding" while Ella was the Belle of the ball. He had many tantrums in public and eventually was left behind. To be a scientologist and have a child with a mental disorder just doesn't fit in with the ways of their beliefs.

The questions will continue to come out as to why this child was left alone during a seizure. I mean Kelly Preston came out Day Two and said her son had nothing wrong with him he was exposed to Toxic chemicals as a child and now they are admitting he had a seizure disorder and autism.

It is so sad that this beautiful young boy had to live in hiding to keep his parents secret. Scientology started by a book writer and having no true ties to religion is a strange calling. However there are millions of people that call it their home. So who am I to judge. I do however hope that there is a full investigation done. I hope that the power the Scientologists have will not allow this to be swept under the rug.

Here in Arizona they were able to put so much money toward stopping Insurance Parity for Mental Illness that it never passed. Luckily we were able to get it passed Federally. There is so much money with the Scietologists just look who is involved. Jett was a liability to the cause??? Does that mean he needed to go?

I hate to think that. I had a brother murdered less than two years ago so I know how hard it is to lose a close member of your family, but people do terrible things for no reason my brother was killed over basically nothing...Was Jett killed over something???

Just some food for thought.

Thanks Kelly for writing such an interesting Blog I really enjoyed reading it :)

Tammy Maplethorpe Fisher

Kelly Marie said...

I read Dianetics when I was very young, maybe 13 and it seemed like a bunch of crap to me.

I think he lost me right at the beggining with the reasoning behind silent birthing causing emotional damage to the baby.

quack! quack!

Kelly Marie said...

Tammy I would love to read your articles if you want to send them to me.