I am always looking for new and creative ways to swear at drivers who irritate me. I used an oldie but goodie yesterday when a gentleman cut me off in traffic and then had to idle next to me at a red light. I politely told him: EAT A BOWL OF DICKS! OK, I didn't really say it politely, I kind of yelled it. It felt fucking great too! It was not my most creative moment but it was funny when his female passenger looked at me in shock.
There is a weird blip that happens when we are in our cars, we turn into
barbarians, you will say things that you would NEVER say if you were standing in a crowd. My *relative* practically froths at the mouth when she drives..it pretty damn entertaining.
I actually saw my *relative edit* throw a lit cigarette into a car of a yuppie-doofus who cut us off in traffic. I saw another *friend* throw a hand full of pennies at a car that nearly ran us off road.
I have never thrown anything, I get more enjoyment out of yelling because people truly do not expect it from me. ( I look sweet and even demure from far enough away)Proper use of vulgarity is my god given talent. I hope you cut me off in traffic someday so I can show you what Ive got in the arsenal.
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