Sunday, June 15, 2008

Bird Poop Facials, only in New York!

A story on said women are flocking to Shizuka New York for the Geisha Facial, which contains nightingale poop.
The service costs $180, about $100 more than most of the other services there.
The story said the powder contains an amino acid called guanine, which is thought to brighten skin

Seriously ladies? Are you that desperate to look better you are willing to put excrement from one of gods dirtiest animals on your face? I think you can find similar proclivities in the urban dictionary.I can't write out the term or freaks will find my blog when they google it. been there done that, lesson learned.

On a random note, I like the Urban dictionary word I brick
Apple's iPhone before activation. Refers to how useless it is when it can't do anything, and its striking resemblance to a brick.
I can't activate my iPhone, so I'm sitting at my computer crying and staring at my iBrick.

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