Monday, May 5, 2008

Lolitta? Or are americans completely hypocritical

What is the big deal here? This picture is beautiful. She is totally covered up and her parents were at the shoot. The shoot was done by Anne Leibowitz.
Are we Americans now so pathetic that we cast stones at any teen star when they start becoming sexual?
I wonder if we had more accepted nudity here if Americans would chill out a bit. I mean god forbid a women breastfeeding accidentally expose her nipple. Women shield their kids eyes and give dirty looks.
I think Americans place way too may taboos on the human body. As a result we seem very confused and overreact to any perceived exposure of flesh.
I have friends who panic if their kid sees them changing. What message is that sending their child?
I wonder how a culture as supposedly liberal as our can have such hypocrisy when it comes to some skin or an accidental nipple slip.

1 comment:

Don Mathias Jr said...

People have lost their mind. There is absolutely nothing wrong or inappropriate about the picture and I for one haven't figured out why there is such an uproar.