Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Why in fact kmart sucks.sales pitch overload

Not many things annoy me more than being cat called by sales weasels who are strategically placed where you must walk buy them. That being said I will be avoiding kmart for a while.

I went to a department store yesterday. I was not in the best mood to start with. Jordan was with her Grammie and Jefferson was at school so I had a few things to get done efficiently.

As soon as I walked through the store entrance there was a man in a bad suit locking eyes with me. I suck at being rude to salespeople (because i have done retail) so I smiled as he badly pitched me to buy portraits.

"Wow, you must work out"(...does this shit really make people buy stuff?)

I did not answer him, just smiled.

"No really, were you at the gym next door"..

I said Nope.(Please change the subject Dude I have stuff to do.)

He hands me a certificate for pictures and then tells me I need to give him 10 bucks. Ok Dude, thanks but no thanks.Hack.

You would think I was done but as I walked down the DVD aisle I am approached by a lady with a clipboard. what the fuck? she wants me to give her my address so she can enter me in a raffle for free windows.

Translation...I will sell your info to ever vendor in Massachusetts so we can harass you to buy our shit on a daily basis. I make this error once 11 years ago at a Bridal not enter raffles unless you enjoy being phone stalked by vendors. No thanks.

Made my way to checkout where the cashier asked me to open a sears charge, open some other charge, and give to march of Dimes. Fuck me..I like the March of Dimes and I walk for them most years. defeated I gave some money and left the store. I think holding squirming kids is better than a suit of armor sometimes..I will be sure to wear mine next time.

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