Sunday, March 7, 2010

Hey Stupid! It's not about you.

Your children are under no obligation to be an extension or representation of you. If you are embarrassed when your Autistic child does something in public that is not considered appropriate, you need to check yourself.

A true advocate is accepting and dignified. Your reactions and responses are being watched by the public and noted. If you explain that your child is Autistic don't you dare apologize!

Do not let a stranger say something your child can hear and not respond.

Be brave, be loving, be a voice your child can be proud of.

I should say now I will jump off my soapbox but I won't.


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Autism and Mood Disorder

The perception and regulation of emotions are obviously challenging for Autistic people.

Genetics and physiology are many persons with Autism are also diagnosed with mood disorders.

There is a lot of incidences of people with Autism having mood disorders and or depression and anxiety. People with autism are bombarded with sensory overloads, social confusion, bullying, and so many other daily challenges which are depressing.
So perhaps we could deduce that Autism causes the mood disorder but treating the mood swings with medication can reduce anxiety and allow for learning adaptive skills that make daily life easier and more enjoyable.

I dont even think it really matters if they are co morbid disorders. As long as treatment of some symptoms makes quality of life better.